Website BLOCK Request

Please follow the instructions carefully:

1. Please review the types of websites that are blocked, click here.

2. Enter the complete URL you are requesting BLOCKED - example: (
(note: you may right click on the URL and copy, then right click and paste for accuracy)


3. Enter your ClearSail / Family.NET eMail Address: (mandatory)

(No request will be accepted without a ClearSail.NET or Family.NET address)

4. Check the appropriate description below:

Please select which
category best describes
the website you wish
to block.

Content Contains:

Dating / Personals
Chat / Message Boards
Mild Nudity
Sex Education
Alcohol / Tobacco / Drugs
Occult / Satanic
Adult Humor
Crime / Illegal Activity
Hate / Discrimination
6. Comments: Please tell us how you came about this site. Our search team needs to be aware of any search words, search engines, or other methods we can use to improve our filtering. Thank you.

We will block any website reported that is consistent with our filtering criteria within the next 24 hours. (note: Be sure to "refresh" your browser if you go back to the site reported, as you will receive the webpage from your computer's cache memory. Refreshing will bring down a new copy from the Web, which will be a block flag.)

Thank you.